Exercise Index

Exercise Index

A list of all our available exercises

45 Degree Side Bend

90 to 90 Stretch

Above Head Chest Stretch

Across Chest Shoulder Stretch

Air Bike

All Fours Squat Stretch

Alternate Heel Touch Side Kick Squats

Alternate Heel Touchers

Alternate Sprinter Lunge

Ankle Circles

Ankle Dorsal Flexion

Ankle Plantar Flexion

Archer Pull-Ups

Archer Push-Ups

Arm Crossover Chest Stretch

Arm Slingers Hanging Straight Legs

Arm Up Rotator Stretch

Armless Prayer Stretch

Arms Apart Circular Toe Touch

Around the World Superman Hold

Assisted Chest Dip

Assisted Chin-Ups

Assisted Close Grip Pull-Up

Assisted Inverse Leg Curls

Assisted Parallel Close Grip Pull-Ups

Assisted Pull-Up

Assisted Single-Arm Pull-Up

Assisted Single Leg Press

Assisted Sit-Ups

Assisted Triceps Dip

Assisted Weighted Push-Ups

Astride Jumps

Axle Deadlift

Back Extensions on Exercise Ball

Back Lever

Back and Pec Stretch

Band Alternating Biceps Curl

Band Assisted Pull Up

Band Behind Neck Shoulder Press

Band Bench Press

Band Bent Over Rear Lateral Raise

Band Bicycle Crunch

Band Concentration Curls

Band Decline Sit-ups

Band Fixed Back Underhand Pulldown

Band Front Lateral Raise

Band Front Raise

Band Good Morning

Band Hammer Grip Incline Bench Two Arm Row

Band Hip Flexion

Band Horizontal Pallof Press

Band Incline Alternate Hammer Curl

Band Incline Bench Press

Band Incline Biceps Curls

Band Incline Fly

Band Incline Hammer Curls

Band Incline Hammer Press

Band Incline Palm-In Press

Band Incline Row

Band Incline T Raise

Band Incline Triceps Extension

Band Incline Y Raise

Band Jackknife Sit-Up

Band Kneeling One Arm Pulldown

Band Lateral Raise

Band Lying Reverse Grip Row

Band One Arm Overhead Biceps Curl

Band Prone Incline Curl

Band Prone Incline Hammer Curls

Band Pull Apart

Band Pull Through

Band Pushdown

Band Reverse Fly

Band Reverse Spider Curl

Band Reverse Wrist Curl

Band Seated Hip External Rotation

Band Seated Hip Internal Rotation

Band Seated Lateral Raise

Band Seated Neutral Grip Shoulders Press

Band Seated Shoulder Press

Band Shrugs

Band Single Leg Split Squat

Band Skull Crusher

Band Squat

Band Standing Rear Delt Row

Band Step-Ups

Band Straight Back Stiff Leg Deadlift

Band Thrusters

Band Upright Row

Band Wrist Curls

Band Y Raise

Barbell Alternate Biceps Curl

Barbell Bench Lateral Step-Up

Barbell Bench Press

Barbell Bench Squat

Barbell Bent Over Reverse Raise

Barbell Bent Over Rows

Barbell Clean and Press

Barbell Clean Deadlift

Barbell Clean Grip Front Squat

Barbell Clean Pull

Barbell Close Grip Bench Press

Barbell Curl

Barbell Deadlift

Barbell Decline Bench Press

Barbell Decline Pullover

Barbell Decline Shrug

Barbell Dimel Deadlift

Barbell Drag Curl

Barbell Flat Bench Press

Barbell Floor Calf Raise

Barbell Front Chest Squat

Barbell Front Rack Lunge

Barbell Front Raise

Barbell Front Squat

Barbell Front Squats

Barbell Full Squat

Barbell Glute Bridge

Barbell Good Morning

Barbell Guillotine Bench Press

Barbell Hack Squat

Barbell Hang Clean

Barbell Hang Snatch

Barbell High Bar Squat

Barbell Hip Thrust

Barbell Incline Bench Press

Barbell Incline Close Grip Bench Press

Barbell Incline Row

Barbell Incline Shoulder Press

Barbell Jefferson Squat

Barbell JM Bench Press

Barbell Jump Squats

Barbell Lateral Lunge

Barbell Leg Twist Press

Barbell Low Bar Squats

Barbell Low Bar Squat with Rack

Barbell Lunges

Barbell Lying Close-Grip Press

Barbell Lying Extensions

Barbell Lying Triceps Extension (Skull Crusher)

Barbell Olympic Squat

Barbell One-Arm Bent-Over Row

Barbell One Arm Side Deadlift

Barbell One-Leg Hip Thrust

Barbell One Leg Squat

Barbell Overhead Shrug

Barbell Overhead Squat

Barbell Palms Down Wrist Curl Over A Bench

Barbell Pendlay Row

Barbell Power Clean from Blocks

Barbell Power Jerk

Barbell Power Snatch

Barbell Power Snatch From Blocks

Barbell Preacher Curl

Barbell Prone Incline Curl

Barbell Pullover to Press

Barbell Quarter Squats

Barbell Rack Pulls

Barbell Rear Delt Raise

Barbell Rear Delt Row

Barbell Rear Lunge

Barbell Reverse Close-Grip Bench Press

Barbell Reverse Curl

Barbell Reverse Grip Bench Press on Floor

Barbell Reverse Grip Incline Bench Row

Barbell Reverse Preacher Curl

Barbell Reverse Wrist Curl

Barbell Rollout

Barbell Romanian Deadlift

Barbell Seated Behind Head Military Press

Barbell Seated Calf Raise

Barbell Seated Close-Grip Concentration Curl

Barbell Seated Good Mornings

Barbell Seated Military Press

Barbell Seated Overhead Press

Barbell Seated Overhead Triceps Extension

Barbell Seated Twist

Barbell Shrugs

Barbell Side Bend

Barbell Side Split Squats

Barbell Single Leg Deadlift

Barbell Single Leg Split Squat

Barbell Snatch

Barbell Snatch Balance

Barbell Snatch Deadlift

Barbell Snatch from Blocks

Barbell Split Clean

Barbell Split Jerk

Barbell Split Squat

Barbell Squats

Barbell Standing Back Wrist Curl

Barbell Standing Calf Raise

Barbell Standing Calf Raises

Barbell Standing Close Grip Curl

Barbell Standing Close Grip Military Press

Barbell Standing Concentration Curls

Barbell Standing Military Press

Barbell Standing Twist

Barbell Standing Wide Grip Biceps Curl

Barbell Standing Wide Grip Curl

Barbell Standing Wide Military Press

Barbell Step-Up

Barbell Stiff-Legged Deadlift

Barbell Straight Leg Deadlift

Barbell Sumo Deadlift

Barbell Sumo Squats

Barbell Thruster

Barbell Underhand Bent Over Row

Barbell Upright Row

Barbell Wide Bench Press

Barbell Wide Grip Upright Row

Barbell Wide Squat

Barbell Wrist Curl

Barbell Wrist Reverse Curl

Barbell Zercher Squat

Basic Toe Touch

Battling Ropes

Battling Ropes Alternate Arms Jump Squat

Battling Ropes Jumping Jacks

Battling Ropes Power Slam

Battling Ropes Split Jump

Bear Crawl

Behind the Head Ball Slam

Bench Dips

Bench Hip Extensions

Bench Pull-ups

Bent Arm Chest Stretch

Bent Knee Hip Raise

Bent Leg Kickback

Bent Leg Side Kick

Bent Over Twists

Bicycle Recline Walk Cardio

Bird Dog Exercise

Body Up for Upper Arms

Bodybuilding Pose

Bodyweight Kneeling Butterfly

Bodyweight Kneeling Triceps Extension

Bodyweight Lateral Step-Up

Bodyweight Lying Oblique V-Ups

Bodyweight Narrow Squats

Bodyweight Paused Goblet Squat

Bodyweight Rear Lunges

Bodyweight Reverse Lunge with Overhead Reach

Bodyweight Side Lying Inner Thigh Raises

Bodyweight Side Squats with Towel

Bodyweight Squat

Bodyweight Squats

Bodyweight Standing Calf Raises

Bodyweight Standing Close-Grip One-Arm Row

Bodyweight Standing Romanian Deadlift

Bodyweight Supported Squats

Bodyweight Wall Squats

Bosu Ball Crunches

Bosu Ball Push-Ups

Bosu Ball Squats

Bottoms Up

Boxing Cross Hook Cross

Boxing Duck and Uppercut

Boxing Jab

Boxing Left Hook

Left Uppercut

Boxing Right Cross

Boxing Right Hook

Boxing Right and Left Hook

Right Uppercut

Bridge Walk

Brisk Walking


Burpee Tuck Jump

Butt Kicks

Butterfly Yoga Pose

Cable Alternate Triceps Extension

Cable Assisted Inverse Leg Curl

Cable Bar Lateral Pulldown

Cable Bench Press

Cable Biceps Curl (SZ Bar)

Cable Close Grip Curl

Cable Close Grip Front Lat Pulldown

Cable Concentration Extensions

Cable Cross-Over Lateral Pulldown

Cable Crossover Reverse Fly

Cable Curls

Cable Curls with Multipurpose V-Bar

Cable Deadlift

Cable Decline Crunch

Cable Decline Fly

Cable Decline Press

Cable Decline Seated Wide Grip Row

Cable Drag Curl

Cable Elevated Row

Cable Forward Raise

Cable Front Raise

Cable Front Squats

Cable Half-Kneeling Lift

Cable Hammer Curls

Cable High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension

Cable High Row

Cable Hip Abduction

Cable Hip Adduction

Cable Incline Bench Press

Cable Incline Fly

Cable Incline Fly on Stability Ball

Cable Incline Triceps Extension

Cable Kickbacks

Cable Kneeling Crunch

Cable Kneeling High to Low Fly

Cable Kneeling Pull Through

Cable Kneeling Shoulder External Rotation

Cable Kneeling Shoulder Internal Rotation

Cable Kneeling Side Crunch

Cable Kneeling Triceps Extension

Cable Lat Pulldown

Cable Lateral Pulldown with Rope Attachment

Cable Lateral Pulldown with V-Bar

Cable Lateral Raise

Cable Low Fly

Cable Low Seated Row

Cable Lying Bicep Curl

Cable Lying Biceps Curl

Cable Lying Extension Pullover

Cable Lying Fly

Cable Lying Triceps Extension

Cable Middle Fly

Cable Neutral Grip Chest Press

Cable One-Arm Bent-Over Row

Cable One-Arm Biceps Curl

Cable One-Arm Curl

Cable One-Arm Inner Biceps Curl

Cable One Arm Lat Pulldown

Cable One Arm Lateral Raise

Cable One Arm Neutral Grip Biceps Curl

Cable One Arm Preacher Curl

Cable One Arm Side Triceps Pushdown

Cable One Arm Tricep Pushdown

Cable One-Arm Twisting Seated Row

Cable Overhead Curls

Cable Overhead Triceps Extension with Rope Attachment

Cable Pallof Press

Cable Palm Rotational Row

Cable Parallel Grip Lat Pulldown

Cable Preacher Curl

Cable Pull Throughs

Cable Pulldown

Cable Pulldown with Pro Lat Bar

Cable Pushdown

Cable Pushdown (Straight Arm)

Cable Pushdown with Rope Attachment

Cable Rear Delt Row

Cable Rear Drive for Upper Arms

Cable Rear Pulldown

Cable Reverse Grip Pushdown

Cable Reverse Grip Seated High Row

Cable Reverse Grip Triceps Pushdown

Cable Reverse Preacher Curl

Cable Reverse Wrist Curl

Cable Rope Crossover Seated Row

Cable Rope Hammer Preacher Curl

Cable Rope High Pulley Overhead Tricep Extension

Cable Rope Incline Tricep Extension

Cable Rope Seated Row

Cable Seated Crunch

Cable Seated Floor Row with Rope

Cable Seated High Row (V-Bar)

Cable Seated Neck Extension

Cable Seated Neck Flexion

Cable Seated One Arm Alternate Row

Cable Seated One Arm Concentration Curl

Cable Seated Overhead Curl

Cable Seated Rear Lateral Raise

Cable Seated Row

Cable Seated Row with V-Bar

Cable Seated Supine Grip Row

Cable Seated Wide Grip Row

Cable Shoulder Press

Cable Shrug

Cable Side Bend

Cable Single Arm Crossover

Cable Single Arm High Row

Cable Single Arm High Scapular Row

Cable Single Arm Low Scapular Row

Cable Squat Row with Rope Attachment

Cable Squatting Curl

Cable Standing Backhand

Cable Standing Chest Press

Cable Standing Close Press

Cable Standing Cross-over High Reverse Fly

Cable Standing Crossovers

Cable Standing Crunch with Rope Attachment

Cable Standing Fly

Cable Standing Hip Extension

Cable Standing Inner Curls

Cable Standing Lat Pushdown with Rope

Cable Standing Leg Curl

Cable Standing Lift

Cable Standing One-Arm Serratus Crunch

Cable Standing One Arm Tricep Pushdown

Cable Standing One Arm Triceps Extension

Cable Standing One-Leg Calf Raise

Cable Standing Rear Delt Row

Cable Standing Reverse Curl (SZ Bar)

Cable Standing Serratus Crunch

Cable Standing Shoulder External Rotation

Cable Standing Single Delt Row

Cable Standing Squeeze Upper Chest Press

Cable Straight Arm Pulldown

Cable Straight Back Seated Row

Cable Triceps Pushdown

Cable Triceps Pushdown with V-Bar Attachment

Cable Tuck Reverse Crunch

Cable Twin Handle Parallel Grip Lat Pulldown

Cable Twisting Overhead Press

Cable Twisting Pull Back

Cable Twists

Cable Underhand Pulldown

Cable Upright Row

Cable Wide Grip Rear Pulldown

Cable Wrist Curls

Cable Y Raise

Calf Push Stretch

Calf Raise from Deficit with Chair Support

Calf Stretch Against Wall

Calf Stretch with Rope

Cambered Bar Lying Row

Captain's Chair Leg Raise

Captain's Chair Straight Leg Raise

Cat Stretch

Chest and Front of Shoulder Stretch

Chest Bench Press

Chest Dips

Chest Dips

Chest Tap Push-Up


Circle Arms Knee Raises on Chair

Clap Push-Ups

Clock Push-Ups

Close Grip Chin-Ups

Close-Grip Push-Up on Knees

Close Grip Push-Ups

Cobra Push-Up

Cobra Yoga Pose


Concentration Curl

Concentration Curls

Corn Cob Side-to-Side Pull-Ups

Corner Wall Chest Stretch

Cow Stretch

Crab Twist Toe Touch

Criss Cross Arms Lift

Cross Climbers on a Padded Stool

Crouching Heel Back Calf Stretch

Crunch on Stability Ball

Dead Bug Exercise


Decline Bent Leg Reverse Crunch

Decline Crunch

Decline Kneeling Push-Up on Box

Decline Leg Hip Raise

Decline Push-Up

Decline Push-Up Against Wall

Decline Sit-Ups

Deep Push-Up on Parallel Bars

Deep Push-Ups

Diagonal In-Out on Chair

Diagonal Reach on Chair

Diamond Push-up Against Wall

Diamond Push-Ups

Diamond Push-Ups on Knees

Dip on Floor with Chair

Dips Between Chairs

Dolphin Pose Stretch

Donkey Calf Raises

Double Knee Thrust and Swipe

Double Lean Back Quadriceps Stretch

Double Twist Knee Up

Downward Facing Dog

Duck Side Punch

Dumbbell Alternate Biceps Curl

Dumbbell Alternate Seated Hammer Curl

Dumbbell Alternate Side Press

Dumbbell Alternate V-Ups

Dumbbell Alternate Z Press

Dumbbell Alternating Floor Press

Dumbbell Arnold Press

Dumbbell Around Pullover

Dumbbell Banded Wall Sit

Dumbbell Behind the Back Finger Curl

Dumbbell Bench Press

Dumbbell Bench Squat

Dumbbell Bent Over Reverse Raise

Dumbbell Bent Over Row

Dumbbell Biceps Curl

Dumbbell Burpees

Dumbbell Clean

Dumbbell Clean and Press

Dumbbell Close Grip Press

Dumbbell Concentration Curl

Dumbbell Cross Body Hammer Curl

Dumbbell Cross-Body Hammer Curls

Dumbbell Cuban Press

Dumbbell Deadlift

Dumbbell Decline Bench Press

Dumbbell Decline Fly

Dumbbell Decline Hammer Press

Dumbbell Decline One Arm Hammer Press

Dumbbell Decline Shrug

Dumbbell Decline Triceps Extension

Dumbbell Decline Twist Fly

Dumbbell Fly

Dumbbell Fly on Exercise Ball

Dumbbell Front Rack Lunges

Dumbbell Front Raise

Dumbbell Front Squats

Dumbbell Full Swing

Dumbbell Glute Bridge

Dumbbell Goblet Split Squat with Front Foot Elevated

Dumbbell Goblet Squats

Dumbbell Hammer Curl

Dumbbell Hammer Grip Incline Bench Two Arm Row

Dumbbell High Curl

Dumbbell Incline Alternate Hammer Curl

Dumbbell Incline Bench Press

Dumbbell Incline Biceps Curl

Dumbbell Incline Chest Press

Dumbbell Incline Curl

Dumbbell Incline Fly

Dumbbell Incline Fly on Exercise Ball

Dumbbell Incline Front Raise

Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curls

Dumbbell Incline Hammer Press

Dumbbell Incline Inner Biceps Curl

Dumbbell Incline One Arm Hammer Press

Dumbbell Incline One Arm Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Incline One Arm Press

Dumbbell Incline Palm-in Press

Dumbbell Incline Rear Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Incline Reverse Raise

Dumbbell Incline Row

Dumbbell Incline Shoulder Raises

Dumbbell Incline Shrug

Dumbbell Incline Triceps Extension

Dumbbell Incline Twisted Fly

Dumbbell Incline Two-Arm Extension

Dumbbell Iron Cross

Dumbbell Jumping Squats

Dumbbell Kickbacks

Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Dumbbell Lateral to Front Raise

Dumbbell Lunge with Bicep Curl

Dumbbell Lunges

Dumbbell Lying Alternate Arm Extension

Dumbbell Lying Extensions

Dumbbell Lying Floor Rear Delt Raise

Dumbbell Lying Hammer Press

Dumbbell Lying Leg Curls

Dumbbell Lying Oblique V-Up

Dumbbell Lying on Floor Hammer Press

Dumbbell Lying One Arm Press

Dumbbell Lying One Arm Pronated Triceps Extension

Dumbbell Lying One Arm Rear Deltoid Raise

Dumbbell Lying One-Arm Rear Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Lying One-Arm Supinated Triceps Extension

Dumbbell Lying Pronation

Dumbbell Lying Pullover on Exercise Ball

Dumbbell Lying Rear Delt Row

Dumbbell Lying Rear Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Lying Single Arm Extension

Dumbbell Lying Supine Curl

Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension

Dumbbell Military Press with Russian Twist

Dumbbell Military Press with Russian Twist and Legs Off the Floor

Dumbbell One Arm Floor Fly

Dumbbell One-Arm Hammer Preacher Curl

Dumbbell One Arm Kickback

Dumbbell One-Arm Lateral Raise

Dumbbell One-Arm Reverse Preacher Curl

Dumbbell One-Arm Reverse Wrist Curl

Dumbbell One Arm Row with Rack Support

Dumbbell One-Arm Seated Neutral Wrist Curl

Dumbbell One Arm Shoulder Press

Dumbbell One-Arm Triceps Extension

Dumbbell One-Arm Wide Grip Bench Press

Dumbbell One-Arm Wrist Curl

Dumbbell One Arm Zottman Preacher Curl

Dumbbell Over Bench One Arm Neutral Wrist Curl

Dumbbell Over Bench Reverse Wrist Curl

Dumbbell Over Bench Wrist Curl

Dumbbell Overhead Sit-Up with Legs on Bench

Dumbbell Palm Rotational Bent Over Row

Dumbbell Palms-In Incline Bench Press

Dumbbell Peacher Hammer Curls

Dumbbell Plyo Squats

Dumbbell Preacher Curl

Dumbbell Preacher Curl on Exercise Ball

Dumbbell Pronate Grip Triceps Extension

Dumbbell Prone Incline Curl

Dumbbell Prone Incline Hammer Curl

Dumbbell Pullover

Dumbbell Pullover Hip Extension on Exercise Ball

Dumbbell Pullover on Exercise Ball

Dumbbell Push Press

Dumbbell Rear Delt Raise

Dumbbell Rear Delt Row

Dumbbell Rear Fly

Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Rear Lateral Raise with Head Support

Dumbbell Rear Lunge

Dumbbell Renegade Row

Dumbbell Reverse Bench Press

Dumbbell Reverse Fly

Dumbbell Reverse Grip Biceps Curl

Dumbbell Reverse Preacher Curl

Dumbbell Reverse Spider Curl

Dumbbell Reverse Wrist Curl

Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift

Dumbbell Russian Twist

Dumbbell Scott Press

Dumbbell Seated Alternate Front Raise

Dumbbell Seated Alternate Press

Dumbbell Seated Bench Extension

Dumbbell Seated Bench Press

Dumbbell Seated Bent Arm Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Seated Calf Raise

Dumbbell Seated Curl

Dumbbell Seated Front Raise

Dumbbell Seated Hammer Curls

Dumbbell Seated Kickbacks

Dumbbell Seated Lateral Raise

Dumbbell Seated Military Hold with Alternate Leg Raise

Dumbbell Seated Military Press with In & Out Leg Raise

Dumbbell Seated Neutral Wrist Curl

Dumbbell Seated One Leg Calf Raise

Dumbbell Seated Preacher Curls

Dumbbell Seated Reverse Grip Concentration Curl

Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press

Dumbbell Seated Shoulder Press (Parallel Grip)

Dumbbell Seated Side Bend

Dumbbell Seated Triceps Extension

Dumbbell Shrug

Dumbbell Side Bend

Dumbbell Side Bridge

Dumbbell Side Lunge

Dumbbell Side Lying Internal Rotation

Dumbbell Side-Lying One-Hand Raise

Dumbbell Single-Arm Deadlift

Dumbbell Single Arm Pullover

Dumbbell Single Leg Calf Raise

Dumbbell Single Leg Deadlift

Dumbbell Single Leg Split Squat

Dumbbell Single Leg Split Squat with the Ring

Dumbbell Single Leg Squats

Dumbbell Single Leg Step Up

Dumbbell Split Squat

Dumbbell Squats

Dumbbell Standing Alternate Overhead Press

Dumbbell Standing Alternate Raises

Dumbbell Standing Alternate Vertical Front Raises

Dumbbell Standing Around the World

Dumbbell Standing Biceps Curl

Dumbbell Standing Calf Raise

Dumbbell Standing Concentration Curl

Dumbbell Standing Front Raise Above Head

Dumbbell Standing Hip Hugger

Dumbbell Standing Inner Biceps Curl

Dumbbell Standing Kickbacks

Dumbbell Standing One Arm Concentration Curl

Dumbbell Standing One-Arm Curl

Dumbbell Standing One Arm Curl Over Incline Bench

Dumbbell Standing One Arm Extension

Dumbbell Standing Overhead Press

Dumbbell Standing Palms In Press

Dumbbell Standing Preacher Curl

Dumbbell Standing Reverse Curl

Dumbbell Standing Triceps Extension

Dumbbell Step-Up

Dumbbell Stiff Leg Deadlift

Dumbbell Straight Arm Pullover

Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift

Dumbbell Suitcase Carry

Dumbbell Sumo Pull Through

Dumbbell Superman

Dumbbell Supported Squats

Dumbbell Svend Press

Dumbbell Swing

Dumbbell Tate Press

Dumbbell Thruster

Dumbbell Upright Row

Dumbbell Upright Shoulder External Rotation

Dumbbell Waist Spin

Dumbbell Walking Lunges

Dumbbell Wide Squats

Dumbbell Z Press

Dumbbell Zottman Curl

Dumbbell Zottman Preacher Curl

Dumbbells Seated Triceps Extension

Dynamic Chest Stretch

Dynamic Weight-Bearing Ankle Dorsi Flexion

Ear to Knee Side Bend

Elbow Extension and Supination - Pronation Forearm

Elbow Extensions

Elbow Flexion

Elbow Flexor Stretch

Elbow to Knee Exercises

Elbow to Knee Sit-up

Elbow Touch and Lift

Elbow Up and Down Dynamic Plank

Elliptical Lateral Walk

Elliptical Machine Walk

Exercise Ball Lat Stretch

Explosive Kneeling Push-Up

EZ Bar Lying Bent Arms Pullover

EZ Bar Reverse Grip Bent Over Row

EZ Bar Seated Close Grip Concentration Curl

EZ Bar Standing French Press

EZ Barbell Anti-Gravity Press

EZ Barbell Close Grip Curl

EZ Barbell Close Grip Preacher Curl

EZ Barbell Curl

EZ Barbell Decline Triceps Extension

EZ Barbell Incline Triceps Extension

EZ Barbell JM Bench Press

EZ Barbell Reverse Grip Curls

EZ Barbell Reverse Grip Preacher Curl

EZ Barbell Seated Curls

EZ Barbell Seated Triceps Extension

EZ Barbell Spider Curl

EZ Barbell Standing Preacher Curl

EZ Barbell Standing Wide Grip Biceps Curl

Farmer's Walk

Finger Flexor Stretch

Finger Raises Plank

Fingers Down Forearm Stretch

Fixed Bar Back Stretch

Flexion and Extension Hip Stretch

Flexion Leg Sit-up

Floating Run on Chair

Floor Crunches

Floor T Raise

Flutter Kicks

Foam Rolling for Chest (Pec)

Foam Rolling for Lat Muscles

Forearm Pronation

Forearm Supination

Forward Arms Plank

Forward Flexion Neck Stretch

Forward Hop on a Padded Stool

Forward Lunges

Frog Crunch

Frog Planche

Front and Back Neck Stretch

Front Elbow Plank

Front Lever

Front Plank

Front Plank to Side Plank

Front Plank with Twist

Full Planche

Full Planche Push-Up

Full Squat Mobility

Glute Ham Developer Crunch

Glute March

Groin Crunch

Hack Calf Raises

Half Knee Bends

Half Sit-Ups

Half Squat Side Bend

Half Wipers (Bent Leg)

Hammer Grip Pull-Ups on Dip Cage

Hamstring Stretch

Hand Bike Cardio

Hands Up Knee Up


Handstand Hold on Wall

Handstand Push-Ups

Hanging Leg Hip Raise

Hanging Oblique Knee Raise

Hanging Pike

Hanging Straight Leg Hip Raise

Hanging Straight Leg Raises

Happy Baby Pose

Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana)

Heel Glute Bridge

High Knee Skips

High Knee Squats

High Knees on a Padded Stool

Hip Abduction

Hip Adduction

Hip Extensions

Hip Flexion

Hip Flexor and Quad Stretch

Hip Internal Rotation

Hip Lateral Rotation (External Rotation)

Hip Thrusts

Hollow Hold

Horse Stance Squat


Inchworm Exercise

Incline Finger Press

Incline Leg Hip Raise

Incline Push-Ups

Incline Push-Ups on a Smith Bar

Incline Reverse Hyperextension

Incline Reverse Push-Up

Incline Shoulder Taps

Incline Twisting Sit-Ups

Inverse Leg Curl on Pull-Up Cable Machine

Inverted Chin Curl with Bent Knee between Chairs

Inverted Row

Inverted Row with Bent Knee Between Chairs

Inverted Row with Bent Knees

Inverted Row Between Chairs

Inverted Row with Straps

Invisible Chair Pose

Iron Cross Stretch

Isometric Wipers

Jab, Jab, Right Cross

Jack Jump

Jackknife Donkey Squats

Jump Rope

Jump Split

Jump Squat

Jump Squats

Jumping Jacks

Jumping Pull-Up

Kettlebell Advanced Windmill

Kettlebell Alternating Press

Kettlebell Alternating Press on Floor

Kettlebell Alternating Renegade Row

Kettlebell Alternating Row

Kettlebell Angled Press

Kettlebell Arnold Press

Kettlebell Around Head Rotation

Kettlebell Bench Press

Kettlebell Bent Press

Kettlebell Decline Shrug

Kettlebell Double Alternating Hang Clean

Kettlebell Double Jerk

Kettlebell Double Push Press

Kettlebell Double Snatch

Kettlebell Figure 8

Kettlebell Fly

Kettlebell Front Squat

Kettlebell Goblet Squat

Kettlebell Half Kneeling Shoulder Press

Kettlebell Half Turkish Get-Up

Kettlebell Hammer Grip Incline Bench Two Arm Row

Kettlebell Hang Clean

Kettlebell Head Supported Row

Kettlebell Incline Alternate Curl

Kettlebell Incline Bench Press

Kettlebell Incline Biceps Curl

Kettlebell Incline Fly

Kettlebell Incline Hammer Press

Kettlebell Incline Inner Biceps Curl

Kettlebell Incline Palm-in Press

Kettlebell Incline Row

Kettlebell Incline Shrug

Kettlebell Incline Triceps Extension

Kettlebell Incline Twist Press

Kettlebell Incline Twisted Fly

Kettlebell Incline Y Raise

Kettlebell Kneeling Hold to Stand

Kettlebell Kneeling One-Arm Bottoms Up Press

Kettlebell Kneeling Shoulder Bottom Up Hold

Kettlebell Low Fly

Kettlebell Lunge Pass Through

Kettlebell Lying Rear Delt Row

Kettlebell Neutral Grip Bench Press

Kettlebell One-Arm Clean and Jerk

Kettlebell One-Arm Floor Press

Kettlebell One Arm Jerk

Kettlebell One-Arm Military Press to the Side

Kettlebell One Arm Overhead Squat

Kettlebell One-Arm Row

Kettlebell One Arm Snatch

Kettlebell One-Arm Swing

Kettlebell One-Legged Deadlift

Kettlebell Overhead Lunge

Kettlebell Pistol Squat

Kettlebell Prone Incline Curl

Kettlebell Prone Rear Delt Swings

Kettlebell Reverse Fly

Kettlebell Reverse Spider Curl

Kettlebell Seated Front Raise

Kettlebell Seated Lateral Raise

Kettlebell Seated Neutral Grip Shoulder Press

Kettlebell Seated Press

Kettlebell Seated Shoulder Press

Kettlebell Seated Two-Arm Military Press

Kettlebell Seesaw Press

Kettlebell Single Leg Split Squat

Kettlebell Standing Crush Curl

Kettlebell Standing One Arm Curl with Incline Bench

Kettlebell Sumo High Pull

Kettlebell Swing

Kettlebell Thrusters

Kettlebell Turkish Get-Up (Squat Style)

Kettlebell Two Arm Clean

Kettlebell Two-Arm Military Press

Kettlebell Two-Arm Row

Kettlebell Windmill

Knee Flexion

Knee Hug Glute Stretch

Knee Stretch Circles

Knee Tuck Jump

Kneeling Adductor Backward Stretch

Kneeling Ankle Stretch

Kneeling Back Rotation Stretch

Kneeling Clock Push-Ups

Kneeling Cobra Push-up

Kneeling Dynamic Plank

Kneeling Hip Flexor Stretch

Kneeling Knuckle Push-Ups

Kneeling Lat Stretch

Kneeling Plank

Kneeling Push-Ups

Kneeling Rotational Push-Up

Kneeling Shoulder Tap Push-Up

Kneeling Toe Up Hamstring Stretch

L-Sit Chin-Up

L-Sit on Floor

L-Sit Pull-Ups

Landmine 180

Landmine Lateral Raise

Landmine Push-Ups

Landmine Shoulder to Shoulder Press

Landmine Single Arm Low Fly

Landmine Single Arm Side Low Fly

Landmine Squat and Press

Lateral Elbow Plank Walk

Lateral Flexion of the Spine

Lateral Hurdle Jump

Leg Raises on Chair

Leg Raises with Hip Lift

Lever Ab Swings

Lever Abdominal Leg Raise

Lever Alternate Biceps Curl

Lever Alternate Leg Extension (Plate Loaded)

Lever Alternate Leg Press

Lever Assisted Chin-Up

Lever Assisted Standing Chin-Ups

Lever Back Extension

Lever Banded Abdominal Leg Raises

Lever Belt Squat

Lever Bent Over Low Row

Lever Bent Over Neutral Grip Row with Chest Support

Lever Bent Over Row

Lever Bent-Over Row with V-Bar

Lever Bicep Curl

Lever Chest Press

Lever Cross Lat Pulldown

Lever Crossovers

Lever Deadlift (Plate Loaded)

Lever Decline Chest Press

Lever Elevated Squat

Lever Elliptical Static Walk

Lever Front Pulldown

Lever Glute Abductor Press

Lever Glute Press

Lever Gripless Shrug

Lever Gripper Hands

Lever High Row

Lever High Row (Plate-Loaded)

Lever Hip Extension

Lever Horizontal Leg Press

Lever Horizontal One-Leg Press

Lever Incline Chest Press

Lever Incline Chest Press (Plate-Loaded)

Lever Incline Hammer Chest Press

Lever Kneeling Leg Curl

Lever Kneeling Twist

Lever Lateral Pulldown

Lever Lateral Raises

Lever Lateral Raise with Chest Support

Lever Lateral Wide Pulldown

Lever Leg Extension

Lever Linear Hack Squat

Lever Lying Chest Press

Lever Lying Crunch

Lever Lying Leg Curl

Lever Lying Leg Raise (Bent Knee)

Lever Lying Single Leg Curl

Lever Lying T-Bar Row

Lever Military Press

Lever Neutral Grip Seated Row

Lever One-Arm Lateral High Row

Lever One Arm Shoulder Press

Lever One Leg Extension

Lever Pec Deck Fly

Lever Preacher Curl

Lever Preacher Curl

Lever Pullover (Plate Loaded)

Lever Push-Ups

Lever Reverse Grip Lateral Pulldown

Lever Reverse Hyperextension

Lever Reverse T-Bar Row

Lever Rotary Calf Raises

Lever Row (Plate Loaded)

Lever Seated Calf Press

Lever Seated Calf Raise

Lever Seated Crunch

Lever Seated Dip

Lever Seated Fly

Lever Seated Hammer Grip Shoulder Press

Lever Seated Hip Abduction

Lever Seated Hip Adduction

Lever Seated Leg Curl

Lever Seated Leg Extension

Lever Seated Leg Press

Lever Seated Leg Raise Crunch

Lever Seated One Leg Curl

Lever Seated Reverse Fly

Lever Seated Row

Lever Seated Row (Plate Loaded)

Lever Seated Shoulder Press

Lever Seated Squat Calf Raise

Lever Seated Twist

Lever Shoulder Press

Lever Shoulder Press (Plate Loaded)

Lever Single Arm Neutral Grip Seated Row

Lever Squat

Lever Standing Calf Raise

Lever Standing Hip Extension

Lever Standing Rear Kick

Lever T-Bar Row (Plate Loaded)

Lever Total Abdominal Crunch

Lever Triceps Dip

Lever Triceps Extension

Lever Unilateral Row

Lizard Pose

Long Jump

Lumbar Flexion

Lumbar Spine Extension

Lumbar Spine Rotation

Lunge Stretch

Lunge Twists

Lunge with Twist

Lying Abductor Stretch

Lying Alternate Butterfly

Lying Around the World

Lying Back Extensions

Lying Butterfly Exercise

Lying Cross Over Knee Pull Down Stretch

Lying Crunch Through Legs Abduction

Lying Double Leg Kick

Lying Elbow to Knee

Lying Floor Row with Bent Knee

Lying Hip Circles

Lying Hip Lift on Stability Ball

Lying Knee to Chest Stretch

Lying Leg Abduction

Lying Leg Hip Raise

Lying Leg Raise and Hold

Lying Leg Raises

Lying Leg Tuck Hip Stretch

Lying Oblique Crunches

Lying Prone Abdominal Stretch

Lying Side Lat Stretch with Exercise Ball

Lying Side Quadriceps Stretch

Lying Straight Leg Marches

Major Muscle Groups

Max Speed Uppercut

Medicine Ball Catch and Overhead Throw

Medicine Ball Close Grip Push-Ups

Medicine Ball Crunches

Medicine Ball Goblet Squat

Medicine Ball Overhead Slam

Medicine Ball Supine Chest Throw

Modified Hindu Push-Ups

Mountain Climbers

Muscle Up

Narrow Parallel Grip Chin-Ups

Narrow Squat from Deficit

Narrow Stance Leg Press

Neck Side Stretch

Neck Stretch: Extension and Inclination

Negative Biceps Concentration Curl

Negative Crunch

Oblique Crunches

Oblique Crunches

Oblique Crunches with Straight Leg Lift

Olympic Barbell Hammer Curls

Olympic Barbell Triceps Extension

One Arm Lateral Wide Pulldown

One Arm Twisting Seated Row with Band

One-Handed Hang Stretch

One Leg Donkey Calf Raise

One Leg Floor Calf Raise

One Leg Quarter Squats

One Leg Squat

One-Legged Diagonal Kick with Exercise Ball

One-Legged Sled Press

Open and Knee Tuck on a Padded Stool

Otis Up Exercise

Overhead Crunches

Overhead Triceps Stretch

Pelvic Tilt

Pelvic Tilt into Bridge

Pendulum Arms Side Leg Raise

Peroneals Stretch

Pigeon Hip Stretch

Pike Push-Ups

Pike Push-Up on Bench

Pistol Squat to Box

Plank Exercise

Plank Alternate Anti-Gravity Pull-Up

Plank Hand Switch

Plank Jacks on a Padded Stool

Plank Prone Plate Switch

Plate-Loaded Lever Shrug

Plate Pinch

Plyo Sit Squat (Wall)

Plyometric Push-Ups

Potty Squat

Potty Squat with Support

Power Clean

Power Sled Backward Push

Preacher Curl

Pull-Ins on Stability Ball

Pull-Up with Bent Knee Between Chairs


Pulse Ups

Puppy Pose

Push Press

Push-Up Plus

Push-Up Pull

Push-Up Row

Push-Up to Side Plank

Push-Up with Medicine Ball


Push-ups on Forearms

Quarter Sit-Ups

Quick Feet Run

Rear Decline Bridge

Rear Deltoid Stretch

Resistance Band Assisted Push-Ups

Resistance Band Clamshells

Resistance Band Glute Bridge

Resistance Band Kneeling High-Low Anti-Rotation

Resistance Band Lateral Walk

Resistance Band Lying Bent Knee Raise

Resistance Band Seated Hip Abduction

Resistance Band Spider Crawls

Reverse Crunch

Reverse Crunches

Reverse Dips

Reverse Grip Machine Lat Pulldown

Reverse Grip Pull-Ups

Reverse Hyperextensions on Flat Bench

Reverse Plank

Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift

Ring Dips

Ring Hip Lift Single Leg Curl

Ring Self-Assisted Chin-Up

Ring Self-Assisted Pull-Ups

Rocking Frog Stretch

Rocking Half Frog Stretch

Rocky Pull-Up Pulldown

Roll Ball Seated Pectineus Activation

Roll Hip Lat Stretch

Roll Hip Stretch

Roll Press Plank

Roll Side Lateral Stretch

Roman Chair Sit-Ups

Rotating Neck Stretch

Rotating Stomach Stretch

Rowing Machine Workout

Runner's Stretch for Thighs


Running Cardio

Russian Twist

Russian Twist with Medicine Ball

Scapula Dips

Scapula Push-Ups

Scapular Pull-Up

Scapular Slide

Seal Push-Ups

Seated Alternate In-Out Leg Raises

Seated Alternate Wide Side Adduction

Seated Ankle Stretch

Seated Calf Stretch

Seated Forearms Stretch

Seated Glute Stretch

Seated Hip External Rotator and Hip Extensor Stretch

Seated Knee Flexor and Hip Adductor Stretch

Seated Leg Raise

Seated Lower Back Stretch

Seated Neck Flexion and Extension

Seated Piriformis Stretch

Seated Rhomboid Stretch

Seated Shoulder Flexor Depressor Retractor

Seated Shoulder Flexor Depressor Retractor Stretch

Seated Side Crunch (Wall)

Seated Single Leg Shoulder Flexor Depressor

Seated Wide Angle Pose

Seated Windmill

Self-Assisted Inverse Leg Curl

Self-Assisted Inverted Pullover

Semi Squat Jump

Shoulder Abduction

Shoulder Adduction

Shoulder Extension

Shoulder Flexion

Shoulder Grip Pull-Ups

Shoulder Lateral Rotation

Shoulder Medial Rotation

Shoulder Stretch Behind the Back

Shoulder Tap Push-Up

Shoulder Transverse Abduction

Shoulder Transverse Adduction

Shoulder Transverse Extension

Shoulder Transverse Flexion

Side and Front In-Out Exercise

Side Bend Plank

Side Bend with Arms Above

Side Bridge with Hip Abduction

Side Hip Abduction

Side Hip Raise on Parallel Bars

Side Kick Burpee

Side Kneeling Push-up

Side Lunge Adductor Stretch

Side Lunges

Side Lying Clam and Kick

Side Lying Heel and Knee Taps

Side Lying Single Arm Triceps Push Up

Side Neck Stretch

Side Plank

Side Plank Hip Adduction

Side Plank Hip Adduction (Bent Knee)

Side Plank Knee Tuck

Side Plank with Wall Support

Side Push Neck Stretch

Side Push-ups

Side Shuffle Leg Side Lift

Side Step Crunch

Side Step Deep Squats

Side Step Overhead Swing

Side Step Swipes

Side Step Upright Row

Side Wrist Pull Stretch

Single Arm Punch and Side Knee Raise

Single Arm Push-Up

Single Arm Push-up (on Knees)

Single Arm Shoulder Press with Band

Single Lean Back Quadriceps Stretch

Single Leg Heel Touch Squats

Single Leg Hip Thrusts

Single Leg Low Box Squats

Single Leg Push-Offs

Single Leg Reverse Hyperextension

Single Leg Split Squat with Band

Single Leg Squat (Pistol)

Single Leg Squat with Support

Single Straight Leg Glute Bridge Hold

Sissy Squat

Sit-Up Punches

Sit-Ups with Chair


Sitting Air Bike

Sitting Bent Over Back Stretch

Sitting Cross-Legged Reach Forward Stretch

Sitting Dynamic Side Stretch

Sitting Knee Tuck on a Padded Stool

Sitting Scapular Adduction

Sitting Scissors Lift Crunch

Sitting Side Bend

Sitting Side Reach Stretch

Sitting Side Step Tuck on a Padded Stool

Sitting Toe Pull Calf Stretch

Sitting Twist Knee Raise on a Padded Stool

Sitting Wide Leg Adductor Stretch

Skater Hops

Ski Ergometer Cardio

Sky Punch

Sled Backward Angled Calf Raise

Sled Calf Press

Sled Full Hack Squat

Sled Hack Squats

Sled Leg Press

Sled Leg Press at 45 Degrees

Sled Leg Wide Press

Sled Lying Squat

Sled One Leg Hack Squat

Sled Reverse Hack Squat

Sliding Floor Bridge Curl on Towel

Sliding Floor Pulldown on Towel

Sliding Leg Curl on Floor with Towel

Smith Back Shrug

Smith Behind the Neck Press

Smith Bench Press

Smith Bent Knee Good Morning

Smith Bent Over Pronated Grip Row

Smith Bent Over Row

Smith Calf Raise

Smith Close Grip Bench Press

Smith Curtsy Lunges

Smith Decline Bench Press

Smith Front Squat

Smith Front Squats

Smith Hack Squat

Smith Hex Press

Smith Hip Raise

Smith Incline Bench Press

Smith Leg Press

Smith Low Bar Squat

Smith Machine Bicep Curl

Smith Machine Chair Squats

Smith Machine Deadlift

Smith Machine Full Squats

Smith Machine Hip Thrust

Smith Machine Incline Tricep Extensions

Smith Machine Shrugs

Smith Machine Single Leg Deadlift

Smith Machine Upright Row

Smith Narrow Row

Smith One Leg Floor Calf Raise

Smith Reverse Calf Raises

Smith Seated Shoulder Press

Smith Shoulder Press

Smith Single Leg Split Squats

Smith Split Squat

Smith Squat to Bench

Smith Squats

Smith Standing Military Press

Smith Standing Shoulder Press

Smith Stiff-Legged Deadlift

Smith Sumo Chair Squat

Smith Sumo Squat

Snatch Pull

Spell Caster Waist Exercise

Sphinx Back Extension

Spider Crawl Push-up

Spin Back Kick

Spin Hook Kick

Spine Stretch

Spine Twist

Split Jump to Box

Split Sprinter High Lunge

Split Sprinter Low Lunge

Split Squats

Squat Bounce Sky Punch

Squat on a Padded Stool

Squat Side Up Hook Punch

Stability Ball Crunch

Stability Ball Front Plank

Standing Abdominal Vacuum

Standing Abs Rotation Stretch

Standing Back Rotation Stretch

Standing Balance Single Crossover Pendulum Leg

Standing Band Crunch

Standing Behind Neck Press

Standing Bent Knee Hip Adductor Stretch

Standing Boat Row

Standing Calf Raise on a Staircase

Standing Gastrocnemius Calf Stretch

Standing Hamstring and Calf Stretch

Standing Hip Controlled Articular Rotation

Standing Hip Flexor Stretch

Standing Lateral Stretch

Standing Mid-Air Finger Bounces

Standing One-Arm Chest Stretch

Standing Plate Press

Standing Quadriceps Stretch

Standing Reach Up Back Rotation Stretch

Standing Reverse Shoulder Stretch

Standing Side Kicks

Standing Single Leg Curl

Standing Switching Palm Squeezes

Standing Top Clap Back Clap Stretch

Standing Top Corner Punch

Standing Upright Shoulders Stretch

Standing Wheel Rollout

Star Jumps

Stationary Bike Run

Stationary Bike Walk Cardio

Step-Ups on Chair

Straight Arm Double Knee Drive

Straight Leg Kickback

Straight Leg Wipers

Subscapularis Muscle Relaxation Stretch

Sumo Deadlift High Pull

Sumo Squats

Superman Exercise

Superman Hold

Superman Push-Up

Supination Bar Suspension Stretch

Supine Spinal Twist Yoga Pose

Supine Windshield Wipers

Suspended Abdominal Fallout

Suspended Push-Ups

Suspended Row

Suspended Split Squat

Suspender Reverse Crunch

Swimmer Kicks

Swimming Crawl Style

Thigh Extensions

Thigh Roll

Trap Bar Deadlift

Trap Bar Farmer's Carry

Triceps Dip

Triceps Dips

Triceps Press

Triceps Press (Head Below Bench)

Tuck Crunch

Twist and Leg Lift

Twist Front Raise

Twist Hip Lift

Twist Knee Raise Side Step Jack

Twisted Leg Raises

Two Legs Calf Raise with Band

Underhand Grip Inverted Back Row

Uneven Pull-Ups


V-Sit on Floor

V Up Downs with Stability Ball

Vertical Arm Stretch

Vertical Leg Raise

Waist Flag

Walk Wave Machine Cardio

Walking Cardio

Walking on an Elliptical Cross Trainer

Walking Lunge

Walking on Stepmill

Walking on Treadmill

Wall Push-Ups

Wall Sit

Wall Squat with Exercise Ball

Weighted Bag Spins

Weighted Bag Wood Chop Squat

Weighted Captain's Chair Leg Raise

Weighted Decline Crunch

Weighted Decline Twist Sit-Up

Weighted Front Plank

Weighted Front Raise

Weighted Hammer Grip Pull-Ups

Weighted Hanging Leg Hip Raise

Weighted Hanging Straight Leg Raise

Weighted Hyperextensions on Stability Ball

Weighted Inverted Rows

Weighted Lying Neck Extensions with Head Harness

Weighted Lying Neck Flexion

Weighted Lying Neck Flexion with Head Harness

Weighted Lying Side Lifts

Weighted Overhead Crunch on Stability Ball

Weighted Plate Decline Chest Press

Weighted Plate Lying Crunch

Weighted Plate Standing Biceps Curl

Weighted Plate Standing Lateral Raise

Weighted Plate Tibialis Anterior Curl

Weighted Plates Bulgarian Split Squat

Weighted Pull-Ups

Weighted Round Arm Raises

Weighted Russian Twist

Weighted Russian Twist (Legs Up)

Weighted Seated Neck Extension with Head Harness

Weighted Seated Plate Driver

Weighted Side Bend on Stability Ball

Weighted Sissy Squats

Weighted Standing Curl

Weighted Standing Neck Extensions

Weighted Svend Press

Weighted Three Bench Dips

Weighted Tricep Dips

Weighted Wall Squats

Wheel Rollout

Wide Front Elbow Plank

Wide Grip Chest Dips

Wide Grip Pull-Up

Wide Grip Pull-Ups

Wide Grip Rear Pull-Up

Wide Grip Wall Push-Ups

Wide Hand Push-Ups

Wrist Adduction

Wrist Circles

Wrist Extension

Wrist Flexion

Wrist Push-Ups

Wrist Roller

X-Band Side Walk

Zercher Carry


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