Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift

Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift

Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift

Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift: How To, Benefits, and Common Mistakes

Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift: How To, Benefits, and Common Mistakes

Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift: How To, Benefits, and Common Mistakes

Animated demonstration of reverse push ups elbow lift
Animated demonstration of reverse push ups elbow lift


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The Reverse Push-Up with Elbow Lift is an excellent exercise for strengthening the upper body, particularly targeting the triceps, shoulders, and back muscles. This unique variation not only challenges your stability but also enhances your overall strength and endurance. Perfect for those looking to diversify their workout routine, this exercise can be integrated into upper body strength training, functional fitness, or rehabilitation programs. Get ready to elevate your fitness journey!

The Reverse Push-Up with Elbow Lift is an excellent exercise for strengthening the upper body, particularly targeting the triceps, shoulders, and back muscles. This unique variation not only challenges your stability but also enhances your overall strength and endurance. Perfect for those looking to diversify their workout routine, this exercise can be integrated into upper body strength training, functional fitness, or rehabilitation programs. Get ready to elevate your fitness journey!

What are the benefits of Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift?

What are the benefits of Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift?

The Reverse Push-Up with Elbow Lift offers numerous benefits:

  • Targets multiple muscle groups: Primarily works the triceps, shoulders, and upper back for comprehensive strength building.
  • Improves shoulder stability: Engages stabilizing muscles, promoting better shoulder strength and health.
  • Enhances core stability: Requires activation of the core muscles, leading to improved balance and stability overall.
  • Functional fitness: Mimics movements used in daily activities, enhancing overall functional strength.
  • Increases endurance: Regular practice builds your stamina, making everyday tasks easier. Keep reading to learn how to properly perform this exercise and avoid common mistakes!

The Reverse Push-Up with Elbow Lift offers numerous benefits:

  • Targets multiple muscle groups: Primarily works the triceps, shoulders, and upper back for comprehensive strength building.
  • Improves shoulder stability: Engages stabilizing muscles, promoting better shoulder strength and health.
  • Enhances core stability: Requires activation of the core muscles, leading to improved balance and stability overall.
  • Functional fitness: Mimics movements used in daily activities, enhancing overall functional strength.
  • Increases endurance: Regular practice builds your stamina, making everyday tasks easier. Keep reading to learn how to properly perform this exercise and avoid common mistakes!

How to do Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift?

How to do Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift?

Follow these steps to correctly perform the Reverse Push-Up with Elbow Lift:

  1. Start Position: Begin in a plank position, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your body in a straight line.
  2. Lowering Phase: Bend your elbows to lower your body toward the ground while keeping them at a 45-degree angle to your body.
  3. Elbow Lift: As you push back up, lift your left elbow up towards the ceiling without letting your hips sag.
  4. Return: Return to the starting position and switch to the right elbow on the next repetition, ensuring to alternate.
  5. Breathing: Inhale as you lower your body and exhale as you push back up. Pro Tip: Keep your core engaged and avoid letting your lower back sag during the movement for maximum effectiveness!

Follow these steps to correctly perform the Reverse Push-Up with Elbow Lift:

  1. Start Position: Begin in a plank position, with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and your body in a straight line.
  2. Lowering Phase: Bend your elbows to lower your body toward the ground while keeping them at a 45-degree angle to your body.
  3. Elbow Lift: As you push back up, lift your left elbow up towards the ceiling without letting your hips sag.
  4. Return: Return to the starting position and switch to the right elbow on the next repetition, ensuring to alternate.
  5. Breathing: Inhale as you lower your body and exhale as you push back up. Pro Tip: Keep your core engaged and avoid letting your lower back sag during the movement for maximum effectiveness!
Animated demonstration of reverse push ups elbow lift
Animated demonstration of reverse push ups elbow lift

Equipment Needed

Equipment Needed

To perform Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift, you will need the following equipment:

  • A gym mat or exercise surface for comfort

Muscle Groups Trained

Muscle Groups Trained

The primary and secondary muscle groups targeted by Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift are:

  • Primary: Triceps
  • Secondary: Shoulders, Upper Back, Core

Common Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift variations

Common Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift variations

If you're looking for alternatives to the Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift, consider trying the following exercises that target similar muscle groups but offer different movement patterns and equipment requirements:

  • Bodyweight Kneeling Triceps Extension: This exercise focuses on the triceps while also engaging the shoulders and core. Unlike the Reverse Push-Ups, it is performed in a kneeling position, which can be easier on the lower back and allows for better isolation of the triceps. You can perform this exercise without any equipment, making it accessible for everyone. For more details, check out the Bodyweight Kneeling Triceps Extension.

  • Reverse Dips: This exercise also targets the triceps but involves a different movement pattern by using parallel bars or a sturdy bench. Reverse Dips engage the shoulders and chest as well, providing a comprehensive upper body workout. This variation can help improve functional strength, which is beneficial for daily activities.

Both of these alternatives can enhance your upper body strength while providing variety to your workout routine. Try them out and see which one works best for you!

If you're looking for alternatives to the Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift, consider trying the following exercises that target similar muscle groups but offer different movement patterns and equipment requirements:

  • Bodyweight Kneeling Triceps Extension: This exercise focuses on the triceps while also engaging the shoulders and core. Unlike the Reverse Push-Ups, it is performed in a kneeling position, which can be easier on the lower back and allows for better isolation of the triceps. You can perform this exercise without any equipment, making it accessible for everyone. For more details, check out the Bodyweight Kneeling Triceps Extension.

  • Reverse Dips: This exercise also targets the triceps but involves a different movement pattern by using parallel bars or a sturdy bench. Reverse Dips engage the shoulders and chest as well, providing a comprehensive upper body workout. This variation can help improve functional strength, which is beneficial for daily activities.

Both of these alternatives can enhance your upper body strength while providing variety to your workout routine. Try them out and see which one works best for you!

Alternatives to Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift

Alternatives to Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift

When it comes to variations of the Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift, there are several exercises that can effectively target similar muscle groups while offering different challenges and benefits. Here are a few noteworthy alternatives:

  • Reverse Dips: This exercise primarily focuses on the triceps, shoulders, and chest, making it an excellent choice for upper body strength. Unlike the Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift, Reverse Dips are performed using parallel bars or a sturdy bench, which shifts the emphasis slightly and can enhance triceps development.

  • Bodyweight Kneeling Triceps Extension: This variation allows for a more controlled movement that isolates the triceps while also engaging the core. It's a great option for those looking to build strength without the need for extensive equipment.

  • Bosu Ball Push-Ups: By incorporating a Bosu ball, this variation adds an element of instability, challenging your balance and core stability while still targeting the chest, shoulders, and triceps.

These variations not only help in diversifying your workout routine but also ensure that you engage your muscles in different ways, promoting overall strength and stability. Try them out and see which one works best for you!

Common mistakes during Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift

Common mistakes during Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift

Common mistakes to watch out for during Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift include:

  • Sagging hips: This can put unnecessary strain on your lower back. Keep your body in a straight line.
  • Flared elbows: Make sure to keep your elbows tucked to your sides to better target the triceps.
  • Inconsistent pace: Maintain a controlled motion for both lowering and lifting phases. Rushing can compromise your form and effectiveness.
  • Neglecting core engagement: Without engaging your core, you may struggle with stability. Always keep your core tight throughout the movement.

Common mistakes to watch out for during Reverse Push-Ups with Elbow Lift include:

  • Sagging hips: This can put unnecessary strain on your lower back. Keep your body in a straight line.
  • Flared elbows: Make sure to keep your elbows tucked to your sides to better target the triceps.
  • Inconsistent pace: Maintain a controlled motion for both lowering and lifting phases. Rushing can compromise your form and effectiveness.
  • Neglecting core engagement: Without engaging your core, you may struggle with stability. Always keep your core tight throughout the movement.



Mastering the Reverse Push-Up with Elbow Lift can significantly enhance your upper body strength, stability, and overall fitness. Incorporate this exercise into your routine to reap the benefits and avoid common mistakes for optimal results. Get started today!


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