What Is the 75 Hard Challenge? Your Ultimate Guide

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Person Celebrating in Front of a Beautiful Sunset
Person Celebrating in Front of a Beautiful Sunset

What Is the 75 Hard Challenge? Your Ultimate Guide

Oct 11, 2024

Have you ever felt the need for a significant change in your life? Something that pushes you beyond your limits and helps you unlock your full potential? Enter the 75 Hard Challenge—a transformative program designed to build mental toughness and discipline while reshaping your body and mind. Created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella in 2019, this challenge has gained immense popularity for its rigorous approach to personal development.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve deep into what the 75 Hard Challenge entails, its benefits, potential drawbacks, and tips for success. By the end, you'll have all the information you need to decide if this life-changing journey is right for you.

What Is the 75 Hard Challenge?

The 75 Hard Challenge is a 75-day mental toughness program designed to help you take control of your life through discipline and hard work. Unlike traditional fitness programs, it's not just about physical transformation—it's about building mental resilience and forging habits that lead to long-term success.

Creator: Andy Frisella, entrepreneur and CEO of 1st Phorm International.

Objective: To develop mental toughness, discipline, and unwavering self-confidence.

Core Idea: By adhering to a strict set of daily tasks without compromise, you push yourself beyond your perceived limits.

Learn more about the origins of the 75 Hard Challenge

The Five Core Rules of the Challenge

To successfully complete the 75 Hard Challenge, you must strictly follow these five rules every day for 75 consecutive days:

1. Follow a Structured Diet

  • Choose a diet that aligns with your goals (e.g., ketogenic, vegan, Mediterranean).

  • No cheat meals are allowed throughout the 75 days.

  • No alcohol consumption is permitted.

2. Complete Two 45-Minute Workouts Daily

  • One workout must be outdoors, regardless of weather conditions.

  • Workouts can include activities like running, weightlifting, yoga, or even brisk walking.

  • No exceptions—both workouts are mandatory every day.

3. Drink One Gallon (3.78 liters) of Water Daily

  • Helps with hydration, digestion, and overall health.

  • Missing even a small amount means starting over.

4. Read 10 Pages of Non-Fiction Daily

  • Must be from a self-improvement or educational book.

  • Audiobooks and podcasts do not count; reading must be from a physical book or e-reader.

  • Aims to foster personal growth and learning.

Reading a Book With Coffee

5. Take a Progress Photo Every Day

  • Serves as a visual diary of your transformation.

  • Skipping this task, even once, requires you to start over.

Important: Failure to complete any of these tasks on any day means restarting from Day 1. This rule reinforces discipline and commitment.

The Philosophy Behind 75 Hard

The challenge is more than a checklist; it's a mental shift. Andy Frisella emphasizes that the program is about:

  • Mental Toughness: Building the grit to push through obstacles.

  • Self-Accountability: Holding yourself responsible for your actions.

  • Discipline Over Motivation: Relying on habits rather than fleeting motivation.

  • No Excuses Mindset: Eliminating the "I'll do it tomorrow" mentality.

Benefits of the 75 Hard Challenge

Mental Benefits

  • Enhanced Discipline: Develop the habit of consistency.

  • Increased Self-Confidence: Achieve goals you once thought impossible.

  • Improved Focus: Sharpen your ability to concentrate on tasks.

  • Emotional Resilience: Better handle stress and adversity.

Physical Benefits

  • Fitness Improvement: Regular exercise leads to better strength and endurance.

  • Healthy Habits: Establish consistent nutrition and hydration routines.

  • Visible Transformation: Daily progress photos often reveal significant changes.

Lifestyle Benefits

  • Time Management Skills: Balancing multiple tasks improves planning abilities.

  • Productivity Boost: Discipline in personal life can enhance professional performance.

  • Stronger Relationships: Improved self-esteem can positively impact interactions with others.

Potential Drawbacks and Considerations

While the challenge offers numerous benefits, it's essential to be aware of potential drawbacks:

Physical Strain

  • Risk of Overtraining: Two workouts a day can lead to fatigue or injury, especially for beginners.

  • Health Concerns: Inadequate rest and nutrition may hinder recovery.

Psychological Impact

  • All-or-Nothing Mentality: The strict rules may cause stress or anxiety.

  • Potential for Burnout: Maintaining intensity for 75 days can be mentally exhausting.

Lifestyle Constraints

  • Time Commitment: Requires significant daily time investment.

  • Social Limitations: Restrictions on diet and alcohol may affect social life.

Lack of Personalization

  • Not Tailored: Doesn't account for individual fitness levels or health conditions.

  • No Professional Guidance: Participants design their own diet and exercise plans.

Note: Always consult a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness or diet program.

Is the 75 Hard Challenge Right for You?

Assess Your Readiness

  • Physical Health: Ensure you're medically fit to undertake rigorous daily workouts.

  • Mental Preparedness: Be ready to commit fully without exceptions.

  • Lifestyle Compatibility: Can you allocate the necessary time daily?

Consider Your Goals

  • Seeking Transformation: Ideal if you're looking for a significant life change.

  • Building Discipline: Great for developing mental toughness and discipline.

  • Already Active: More suitable for those with some fitness experience.

A Person Bracing Themselves for a 75 Hard Run

Expert Opinions

Positive Insights

  • Carrie Veatch, Mindset Coach: "Participating in 75 Hard can help eliminate negativity and showcase what your mind and body are truly capable of."

  • Sophie Banyard, Personal Trainer: "It taught me a lot about what you can actually fit into a day if you put your mind to it."

Cautionary Notes

  • Noah Quezada, Registered Dietitian: "The program's rigidity can make it difficult to stick to long-term and may lead to an unhealthy relationship with food."

  • Dr. Saara Haapanen, Performance Coach: "It doesn't teach you any skills to help deal with slip-ups or sustainable behaviors."

Tips for Success

1. Plan Ahead

  • Meal Prep: Prepare your meals in advance to stay on track.

  • Schedule Workouts: Set specific times for your workouts.

2. Start Gradually

  • Ease Into It: If you're new to exercise, begin with low-impact activities.

  • Listen to Your Body: Rest if you're feeling overly fatigued.

3. Stay Accountable

  • Track Your Progress: Use a journal or app.

  • Find a Support System: Join online communities or find a challenge partner.

4. Maintain Balance

  • Mental Health: Incorporate stress-reducing practices like meditation.

  • Sleep Well: Ensure you're getting adequate rest each night.

5. Utilize Tidalflow's AI Personal Trainer

At Tidalflow, we offer an AI-powered personal trainer to support you through the challenge:

  • Customized Workouts: Tailored to your fitness level and goals.

  • Flexible Scheduling: Fits into your busy life seamlessly.

  • Expert Guidance: Receive adjustments and support as needed.

Start your free trial with Tidalflow today

Alternatives to the 75 Hard Challenge

75 Soft Challenge

A more moderate version with adjusted rules:

  • One 45-minute workout per day

  • Allowing for occasional treats

  • Focus on overall well-being

Tidalflow's Personalized Fitness Programs

  • Tailored Plans: Designed to meet your specific needs.

  • Sustainable Approach: Emphasizes long-term success over short-term intensity.

  • Professional Support: Access to trainers and nutritionists.

Explore our personalized fitness solutions


The 75 Hard Challenge is a rigorous program aiming to transform your mental and physical state through unwavering discipline. While it has the potential to bring about significant change, it's crucial to assess whether it's the right fit for you.

Remember, personal growth doesn't have to come from extreme measures. What's most important is finding a sustainable path that aligns with your goals and lifestyle.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I modify the rules of the 75 Hard Challenge?

No, the challenge requires strict adherence without modifications. Altering the rules means you're not following the program as intended.

2. Is it suitable for beginners?

While not impossible, beginners may find the challenge overwhelming. It's advisable to start with a more moderate program or consult a professional.

3. What if I miss a day?

If you fail to complete any task, you must start over from Day 1.

4. Do audiobooks count for the reading requirement?

No, you must read physical books or e-books. Audiobooks and podcasts do not count.

5. Can I drink coffee or tea?

Yes, as long as it fits within your chosen diet plan.

Ready to Transform Your Life?

Embarking on a journey like the 75 Hard Challenge is no small feat, but you don't have to do it alone. At Tidalflow, we're committed to helping you achieve your goals with personalized support and cutting-edge technology.

Take the first step towards a better you.

Start Your Free Trial with Tidalflow Now

By understanding the ins and outs of the 75 Hard Challenge, you're empowered to make the best decision for your personal growth. Remember, every significant transformation starts with a single step.

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Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new fitness or diet program.

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