75 Soft Challenge: A Sustainable Path to Health and Wellness

Lady Doing Bicep Curls at the Gym
Lady Doing Bicep Curls at the Gym
Lady Doing Bicep Curls at the Gym

75 Soft Challenge: A Sustainable Path to Health and Wellness

Sep 27, 2024

In recent years, fitness challenges have gained immense popularity on social media platforms. One such challenge that has caught the attention of many health enthusiasts is the 75 Soft Challenge. This challenge offers a more balanced and sustainable approach to improving one's lifestyle compared to its more intense counterpart, the 75 Hard Challenge. In this article, we'll explore the 75 Soft Challenge in detail, its benefits, and how it compares to other fitness challenges.

What is a 75 Day Soft Challenge?

The 75 Soft Challenge is a 75-day program designed to help individuals develop healthier habits and improve their overall well-being. Unlike more extreme challenges, the 75 Soft Challenge focuses on creating sustainable lifestyle changes that can be maintained long-term.

The challenge consists of four main components:

  1. Exercise for 45 minutes daily

  2. Eat well and drink alcohol only on social occasions

  3. Drink 3 liters of water daily

  4. Read 10 pages of any book each day

These components are designed to address physical fitness, nutrition, hydration, and mental stimulation, providing a well-rounded approach to personal development.

Can You Lose Weight on 75 Soft?

While weight loss isn't the primary focus of the 75 Soft Challenge, many participants do experience weight loss as a result of the lifestyle changes it promotes. The combination of regular exercise, improved nutrition, and increased water intake can contribute to weight loss for many individuals.

However, it's important to note that weight loss results will vary depending on factors such as:

  • Starting weight and body composition

  • Individual metabolism

  • Adherence to the challenge guidelines

  • Specific food choices within the "eat well" guideline

The 75 Soft Challenge emphasizes overall health improvement rather than rapid weight loss, which can lead to more sustainable results in the long run.

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What is the Difference Between Hard 75 and Soft 75?

The 75 Hard Challenge and the 75 Soft Challenge share similar goals of improving physical and mental well-being, but they differ significantly in their approach and intensity. Here are the key differences:

75 Hard Challenge Rules:

  1. Follow a strict diet with no cheat meals or alcohol

  2. Complete two 45-minute workouts daily, one outdoors

  3. Drink a gallon of water daily

  4. Read 10 pages of non-fiction daily

  5. Take a progress picture every day

75 Soft Challenge Rules:

  1. Exercise for 45 minutes daily, with one day of active recovery

  2. Eat well and only drink alcohol on social occasions

  3. Drink 3 liters of water daily

  4. Read 10 pages of any book each day

The 75 Soft Challenge offers more flexibility and is generally considered more sustainable for most people. It allows for a balanced approach to nutrition and doesn't require as much time commitment for workouts.

Is There a 75 Soft App?

While there isn't an official 75 Soft Challenge app, there are several habit-tracking and fitness apps that can be used to monitor your progress during the challenge. Some popular options include:

  1. Tidalflow: This app offers personalized workout plans and tracking features that can be tailored to fit the 75 Soft Challenge requirements.

  2. Habit tracking apps like Habitica or Streaks

  3. Water intake tracking apps like WaterMinder

  4. Reading tracking apps like Goodreads

While these apps aren't specifically designed for the 75 Soft Challenge, they can be useful tools to help you stay on track and monitor your progress throughout the 75 days.

Is 75 Hard Really Free?

The 75 Hard Challenge, created by Andy Frisella, is technically free to participate in. The basic rules and guidelines are available online at no cost. However, Frisella has written a book about the challenge and offers paid products and coaching related to the program.

The 75 Soft Challenge, being a more informal and community-driven challenge, is entirely free to participate in. All the information needed to complete the challenge is readily available online at no cost.

Is 75 Hard Worth It?

The worth of the 75 Hard Challenge is subjective and depends on individual goals and circumstances. While some people report significant physical and mental benefits from completing the challenge, others find it too extreme and unsustainable.

Potential benefits of 75 Hard include:

  • Improved discipline and mental toughness

  • Significant physical transformation

  • Increased self-confidence

However, potential drawbacks include:

  • Risk of burnout or injury due to intense daily workouts

  • Potential for developing unhealthy relationships with food and exercise

  • Difficulty maintaining results post-challenge

For many people, the 75 Soft Challenge offers a more balanced and sustainable alternative that can still lead to significant improvements in health and well-being.

Can You Have a Cheat Meal on 75 Soft?

Unlike the 75 Hard Challenge, which strictly prohibits cheat meals, the 75 Soft Challenge takes a more flexible approach to nutrition. The guideline to "eat well" allows for occasional indulgences, as long as they don't become a regular habit.

While the challenge doesn't explicitly mention cheat meals, the focus is on overall healthy eating habits rather than strict restrictions. This approach can lead to a healthier relationship with food and a more sustainable lifestyle change.

How Much Water Should I Drink for 75 Soft?

The 75 Soft Challenge recommends drinking 3 liters (about 101 ounces) of water daily. This amount is slightly less than the gallon (128 ounces) required in the 75 Hard Challenge but is still a significant increase in water intake for many people.

Staying hydrated offers numerous health benefits, including:

  • Improved physical performance

  • Enhanced cognitive function

  • Better digestion and nutrient absorption

  • Healthier skin

If you're not used to drinking this much water, gradually increase your intake over the first few days of the challenge to allow your body to adjust.

Can a Beginner Do 75 Hard?

While a beginner could technically attempt the 75 Hard Challenge, it's generally not recommended due to its intense nature and strict requirements. The 75 Hard Challenge can be physically and mentally demanding, even for those with experience in fitness and nutrition.

For beginners, the 75 Soft Challenge offers a more appropriate entry point into lifestyle improvement. It provides structure and goals without the extreme requirements of 75 Hard, making it more accessible and sustainable for those new to fitness challenges.

Can You Drink Pop on 75 Hard?

The 75 Hard Challenge has strict dietary rules that generally exclude sugary drinks like soda or "pop." The challenge emphasizes clean eating and hydration with water only.

In contrast, the 75 Soft Challenge doesn't have specific restrictions on particular foods or drinks. However, the guideline to "eat well" implies that sugary drinks should be limited or avoided for optimal health. If you're participating in 75 Soft, it's best to focus on water, unsweetened beverages, and nutritious foods to support your health goals.

Implementing the 75 Soft Challenge

If you're interested in starting the 75 Soft Challenge, here are some tips to help you succeed:

  1. Plan your workouts: Schedule your daily 45-minute exercise sessions in advance. Mix up your routines to keep things interesting and prevent boredom.

  2. Meal prep: Plan and prepare healthy meals in advance to make it easier to stick to the "eat well" guideline.

  3. Carry a water bottle: Keep a reusable water bottle with you to help track and meet your daily water intake goal.

  4. Choose engaging books: Select books you're genuinely interested in to make the daily reading habit enjoyable.

  5. Track your progress: Use a journal or app to monitor your adherence to the challenge guidelines and note any improvements in your health and well-being.

  6. Be flexible: Remember that the 75 Soft Challenge is about progress, not perfection. If you miss a day, simply get back on track the next day.

Benefits of the 75 Soft Challenge

Participating in the 75 Soft Challenge can lead to numerous benefits:

  1. Improved physical fitness: Regular exercise can enhance cardiovascular health, build strength, and increase energy levels.

  2. Better nutrition habits: Focusing on eating well can lead to improved overall health and potentially weight loss.

  3. Increased hydration: Drinking more water can improve various bodily functions and overall well-being.

  4. Enhanced mental well-being: Daily reading can stimulate the mind and reduce stress.

  5. Increased discipline: Sticking to the challenge can help build self-discipline and create lasting healthy habits.

  6. Improved sleep quality: Regular exercise and reduced alcohol consumption can lead to better sleep.

  7. Boosted self-confidence: Completing the challenge can provide a sense of accomplishment and improved self-esteem.

Potential Challenges and How to Overcome Them

While the 75 Soft Challenge is more manageable than its "Hard" counterpart, participants may still face some challenges:

  1. Time management: Fitting in daily exercise and reading can be challenging. Try waking up earlier or scheduling these activities during lunch breaks or after work.

  2. Motivation: On days when motivation is low, remind yourself of your goals and the progress you've made. Consider finding an accountability partner or joining online communities for support.

  3. Social situations: Limiting alcohol to social occasions may be difficult in some settings. Prepare by having non-alcoholic alternatives ready and communicating your goals to friends and family.

  4. Plateaus: If you experience a plateau in your progress, try mixing up your workout routines or adjusting your nutrition plan.

  5. Staying consistent: Use habit-tracking apps or a physical calendar to maintain consistency and visualize your progress.


The 75 Soft Challenge offers a balanced and sustainable approach to improving health and wellness. By focusing on regular exercise, healthy eating, hydration, and personal development through reading, participants can make significant improvements to their lifestyle without the extreme measures required by more intense challenges.

Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart a healthier lifestyle or an experienced fitness enthusiast seeking a more balanced approach, the 75 Soft Challenge provides a framework for creating lasting, positive changes. Remember, the key to success is consistency and a commitment to long-term health rather than short-term results.

If you're ready to take on the 75 Soft Challenge, consider using Tidalflow's personalized fitness plans to help guide your workouts and track your progress. With the right mindset and tools, you can use the 75 Soft Challenge as a springboard to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle that extends well beyond the 75-day period.

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